Rough diamond

A diamond in the rough, that’s every scouts dream, to discover that elusive talent hidden in obscurity.

The darker and haggard the rough, the greater the uproar of discovery.

The rough in the diamond, that’s every managers’ nightmare, to gloss over the cracks and aggrandize the talent.

The wider and deeper the crack, the greater the need to bury its existence in obscurity.

Billy-Joe: died 11:45 PM, August 14, 1980.

A diamond in the rough, who wouldn’t let the rough go.

Copyright Janet Webb

Written for Friday fictioneers a writing challenge hosted by Rochelle. The picture was provided by Janet Webb, the task is to write a 100 words story inspired by it. Thanks Rochelle for hosting the challenge. Thank you for stopping by… do click on the link to read other stories.

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