Rules of engagement

There was a lot at stake here, we needed a strategy and fast.

“Any ideas Zac?”

“Let’s focus on the followers get them to trust us, then we guide them through a narrow path with no room for maneuvers.”

“How’s that different from our last attempts?”

“This time we don’t engage the guides, we wait till they attack before we defend making them the bad guys for striking first. The followers need to sense your calmness and confidence.”

“Guys it’s just a game, no need to go all commando.”

“First club rule: never underestimate the battle nor your opponent. 

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Sandra Crook
Copyright Sandra Crook

I guess Andrea Leadsom forgot the rules of engagement: get the followers behind you first.

Written for Friday fictioneers a writing challenge hosted by Rochelle. The picture was provided by Sandra Crook, the task is to write a 100 words story inspired by it. Thanks Rochelle for hosting the challenge. Thank you for stopping by… do click on the link to read other stories.

45 thoughts on “Rules of engagement

  1. Most political careers end in faiure; some before they even get off the ground. A topical take for the prompt after yet another interesting week in politics. The news is more entertaining than the drama offerings right now. Good one.

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      1. We should be grateful she was only talking to a journalist when she hung herself. It could have been Putin and all of us. 😦 But like you, I felt some sympathy for her.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m fine dear. I haven’t posted anything new on the blog in over 3 weeks, hopefully I’ll do so next week.

        I’ve been very busy prepping for the workshop, it’s going well. Thank you so much for asking. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Fun story. And Ms Leadsom? Isn’t she now secretary of the environment or something? Did anyone warn the foxes yet? (Sorry, disgruntled passionate European here).

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  3. The trouble with followers is they can gain momentum and force the leader ahead into somewhere he or she didn’t intend to go. if he or she doesn’t keep going they can be trampled. Good writing. 🙂 — Suzanne

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