First assignment

Sweat dripped down furrowed brow, one could mistaken him for a sacrificial lamb at the altar. He felt every one of his bones age with each passing minute. To say he envisaged a different beginning to his divine call would be putting his present predicament lightly.

Renting the night air, the scream temporarily halted his thoughts.

Surely the almighty could have found another route for childbirth.

Still attached to its mother the babe was silenced with a single swing of the sword.

He fainted, his master scoffed, a second scream pierced the night. 

Twins had no place in this court.

Written for Friday fictioneers a writing challenge hosted by Rochelle. The picture was provided by the lovely Janet Webb, the task is to write a 100 words story inspired by it. Thanks Rochelle for hosting the challenge. Thank you for stopping by… do click on the link to read other stories.


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