Schooling mother

On the side of the road, the car was parked.

On the side of the road where mother warned never to linger, there parked the car.

A monstrosity of rainbow proportions, a rarity in itself.

Mother would no doubt guffaw at it and in the most stringent voice she would say, “the owner definitely could not afford to buy a new car, thus, they tried to reinvent a rickety one. How many brand new cars would you find painted in such a distasteful way? The owner is certainly a sad person searching for happiness, but without wealth happiness is just management. You need the means …” and on she would go weaving various life lessons into her never ending diatribe.

The mother said not to linger and so I did not.

Time to take home her birthday gift. She certainly needed some color in her life and laying bush-beds with the reverend every Friday night didn’t seem to hit the spot.

Mother said not to linger, the bushes have ample accommodation.

Copyright: Swriting.

In response to the writing challenge flash fiction for aspiring writers hosted by Priceless Joy click on the link to visit the blog. The photograph is from S. writing (interesting photo can’t wait to see all the stories it inspires) and the challenge is to write a 100 – 150 words (+/- 25 words) story inspired by it. Do click on the link for other stories.

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