
Eleven century BC

With one hand gently caressing her swollen belly, she looked out the upper room window at her husband of seven years as he ploughed the fields with his servants.

Seven years of barrenness; seven years of wearing thin the tzitzit on her prayer shawl.

Come sunrise on the first day of Nisan, in the eight-year of their marriage she shall have only a few days before the birth of her son. A testament to the favour of God and her husband over her.

A son of witness …. the sacrifice of prayer accepted.

Copyright Jean L. Hays
Copyright: Jean L. Hays


In response to Friday fictioneers writing challenge hosted by Rochelle.  The picture was provided by Jean L. Hays and the task is to write a 100 words story inspired by it. Thanks Rochelle for hosting it, thank you for stopping by… do click on the link to read other stories.

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